Upcoming Dates

Please note: not all upcoming dates will be listed here as clubs may wish to keep events private. As they request me to publicise dates, I will. Otherwise, please email mindtowin@gmail.com to find out about upcoming events in your area.

Country: N. Ireland
Location: The Patch, Ballyrainey Rd, Comber, Co. Down (except for video nights which are held in a nice warm house with an open fire!)

What's on: Winter Schedule in N. Ireland (open to any handler from any club/country who can get here)

Tuesday 3rd Jan, 7-9pm: Video Night
Upload your videos of you in training and competition and we'll review them as a group for strengths and growing points in your mental approach to competing. Very impactful and as usual, great fun. £30

 Saturday 21st Jan, 2-4pm: Introductory Confidence Clinic.

If you've never been to a Confidence Clinic before, bring a competitive level dog and work under pressure to strengthen your game! Always fun and with tons of individually tailored help. £40

Monday 6th Feb, 7-9pm: Video Night
Upload your videos of you in training and competition and we'll review them as a group for strengths and growing points in your mental approach to competing. Very impactful and as usual, great fun. £30

Saturday 25th Feb, 2-4pm: For your dog's sake!

Your poor dog- there you are making it all about you, stressing out and doing what you normally do and the other member of your team is just along for the ride. This Clinic turns the tables on you and aims to help you become the handler your dog would love you to be! £40

Friday 2nd Mar, 7-9pm: Video Night
Upload your videos of you in training and competition and we'll review them as a group for strengths and growing points in your mental approach to competing. Very impactful and as usual, also good fun. £30

 Saturday 24th March, 2-4pm: What 'they' really think
One of the most common themes in work I do with people- regardless of the country they hail from- relates to how they perceive other people and struggles they have with others' comments and criticisms, whether real or imagined. This Confidence Clinic is dedicated to facing those problems down and finding new ways to work well when the spotlight is on you. £40

Saturday 28th April, 2-4pm: Putting it all together
This Confidence Clinic is a bit of a review of how much you've learned. It's a chance to look back and see how far you've come, as well as looking at what you want to focus on as you move forward into the new season. Expect to surprise yourself. £40

Country: England
Location: Near Nottingham

What's on: NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION: One to ones/Confidence Clinics in December
When: Weekend of 16-18 December, various times.

A perfect Christmas present for you or someone you love- a veritable spa for the soul, a Confidence Clinic for handlers and dogs is a great way to kick-start changing your mental strength under pressure. To find out more about special offers, email mindtowin@gmail.com.

Country: N. Ireland
Location: Comber- indoors, in the heat- hallelujah!

What's on?: Video Clinic

When: Fri. 7th Oct., 7-9pm

Country: N. Ireland
Location: The Patch, Ballyrainey Rd, Comber, Co. Down

What's on?: Mind to Win Introductory Seminar/ Initial Confidence Clinic

Fri. 16th Sept., 7-9.30pm: Mind to Win Introductory Seminar

Sun. 18th Sept., 9.30-12.30pm: Initial Confidence Clinic

These clinics are open to anyone whose dog can do all equipment, whether they have ever entered competitions or not.

 Special Offer: Attend Mind to Win Introductory Seminar and Initial Confidence Clinic for only £60 (normal price £90). Numbers are limited so book now to avoid disappointment!

Country: N. Ireland
Location: The Patch, Ballyrainey Rd, Comber, Co. Down

What's on? : Series of follow-up Confidence Clinics.

Sun 7th Aug., 2-4pm:  Body Talk: Effects of Stress & Relaxation

Sun 28th Aug., 2-4pm: What "they" really think

Sun 18th Sept., 2-4pm: Life memberships and getting it together FULL

Fri 7th Oct., 7-9pm: Video Night

These are open to everyone in N. Ireland/Republic of Ireland who has previously attended a Confidence Clinic and/or Mind to Win Introductory Seminar. Numbers are limited to allow for individual tailoring.