Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New clients, new venues...

Sooo what's new in the world of Mind to Win?

Well, new people are coming on board to work on their Mind to Win and the interest is from folks in different places and with differing levels of technical expertise and experience- VERY exciting stuff!

A group of rock stars in N. Ireland just finished a series of Clinics and what blew me away at the last [video] Clinic we had, was how different they all sounded from when we'd started out. As a therapist, I think there are few things more satisfying than when clients not only start getting where they want to go, but- even better- can see how far they've come and celebrate that! Fantastic work and a ton of credit to the trusty band of handlers who've been determined to improve their competitive mental strength for their dogs' sake, never mind their own!

As we hurtle ever closer to winter, it looks like I'll be doing more Clinics in Nottinghamshire so if you're within travelling distance and want to jump in on any that are being organised (and, duh, have free spaces), then please "follow me" to hear about it there first.

As for N. Ireland, there'll be another video night/Clinic coming up in the next couple of months and a "For your Dog's Sake" Clinic at The Patch (Ballyrainey Rd, Comber) so I'll get the dates of those up here as soon as they're finalised.

Follow me to stay in the loop!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Mind to Win in Agility Voice

Have you got yours yet? The first in the series of Mind to Win articles is now available in Agility Voice. The series will give you a little taster of what's involved in having a Mind to Win- complete with exercises for you to take away and work on each month.

When you have an "aha" moment or you successfully implement a new strategy, I'd love to hear about it! Email me at mindtowin@gmail.com.

Obviously if you want to learn more or work with me personally, you can also email me to arrange bookings.


(Insider info: next month's article is all about you and how the words you say/think impact your performance, so don't miss out!)

Winter League Mini Confidence Clinic: POSTPONED

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the mini Confidence Clinic planned for this weekend at The Patch is postponed. A new date will be arranged in due course, never fear!